Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 26th. Remember that.


Joseph hasn't had a lot of room for surprising me, but he's been doing a fantastic job of finding ways to do just so. We've been dating for almost three months now and from the very beginning we've dated with the intention of marriage. We didn't expect it to come up so soon, but the Lord decided to allow us to go at a faster speed than normal people do. Which is totally fine by us.

We struggled for a while on picking a wedding date. The dominant piece of advice we seemed to get from people was "Don't marry for a long time," and that was a hard thing to hear. So we prayed about it, and God told us a wedding date individually. We compared notes, and they were the same! It just becomes more and more exciting to see how God is so wrapped in our relationship.

That was a couple of weeks ago, and the wedding planning has really begun. Joseph was fantastic and bought a HUGE wedding planner that you know is serious about getting down to business (the thing has tabs, for heaven's sake). By the way, he didn't just hand it to me. He drove over to my house, sneaked it onto the porch, and then ran to his car to text me and ask if I could look for his headphones that he thought he dropped outside. I texted back saying "I looked all outside and even inside... I don't see them!" Then I sent another text saying "Just kidding, I found it."

I've already been wedding dress shopping once, and we're narrowing down our decision of where the reception will be. In fact, we have a few details covered. Yeah, there's a lot more details to go, but my point is that we started officially planning and we still weren't even engaged. We had the ring we both loved, and he had to really pray hard to God to give him proposal ideas.

Well, God nailed it. Last night I had my pajamas on, my face was washed, I was wearing glasses, and was sitting in bed listening to music when Joseph called. He asked if I could come up to our church, because he'd had a bad day or whatever downright lie he came up with. I glanced at my clock and at my pajamas and told him I'd be there in a few minutes. A few minutes took a few minutes longer because there was a train in between myself and the church while I drove towards the intersection I usually take, and thank God that there was no train by the time I reached it. Apparently that's God's way of stalling for time, because Joseph was frantically asking God to delay my drive as he ran around getting ready.

So I finally reached the church. He had said he was in the youth room, so I went up to the door and knocked. I ended up banging on the door three different times because he didn't seem to hear me. Finally he emerged from the room and came to open the door for me. I was giving him a hard stare at this point, and he admitted, "I'm hyperventilating right now."

"Why?" I asked, but as we stepped inside the youth room, my question was immediately answered.

Picture being greeted with this:

in a room that means a lot to both of you because it's where you first remember seeing each other, in the dark, with a bunch of balloons all over the place, while your favorite song plays, with a visibly nervous person that you love by your side.

Yeahhhh, I could tell pretty quickly what was going on.

I thought he would drop to one knee right there, but he just kept on surprising me. He said he had a story he had written, and so I read it out loud. There were a few blank places for me to add in my own words, so I kept stopping and thinking about what to write in. The story was about a young hero who fights and defeats an evil rabbit (the rabbit being my idea), and in honor of that, there were balloons that came to someone special every year. And there was something inside each of the balloons.

And Joseph says he's not creative!

So I grabbed a pen and started popping balloons and reading the piece of paper inside each one. I eventually stopped doing the one-by-one thing and just hacked at all of the balloons at once to get it over with. Joseph burst out laughing and picked up the balloons pieces as I read the pieces of paper. They were verses from Song of Songs, one of Ephesians 5 where it talks about how husbands ought to love their wives as Christ loves the church, and a bunch of little inside jokes. Then I had to hunt for one special balloon, which had this inside:
(It says "Will you marry me?" if you can't read it... he knows I like handwritten notes, and dear Lord I'm keeping this paper and carrying it in my pocket to heaven.)

As I read it, he dropped to one knee and produced THE RING that I had picked out and that we both absolutely fell in love with. I don't have a good, close-up picture of it yet, but it'll definitely happen. I don't remember what he said. It was something about how he loved me and stuff, and I don't remember what I said either. We can only assume it was along the lines of "yes" because I pretty much form tackled him in a huge hug right there.

We knelt down at the foot of the cross the best we could amongst the candles and pale roses with flushed, red tips (my favorite roses) and prayed for God to bless us, that He would continue to stay the center of our relationship, and that we would love each other the way He loved us.

And I swear, I could feel Him standing there grinning down at us.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Screw Hollywood.

I don't like sappy romance stories.

There's a lot of reasons behind it, some of which are logical and some of which indicate that I have not been the most secure in my femininity in the past. That's Living Waters stuff right there, and I'm not even going to dive into that. But rest assured, I don't like romance novels and I don't like chick flicks. I do like Titanic, but only for the destruction scenes.

I didn't think too much about it until several months ago, when I was basically told that because I didn't want to watch The Notebook, I wasn't a real woman and that I couldn't appreciate a real man. Ooooooh, that fired me up. I stewed about it for a long time, and I still get a little streamed when I think about it. How in the hell is a woman not a woman just because she chooses to not watch a movie? How does that lessen her appreciation for good men?

The person who told me this also didn't know that instead of watching the movie, I opted instead for holding a long, deep, intense, relational conversation with another woman for a good two hours.

Come on. You can't get more feminine that that!

My point to this memory is, while being told I wasn't a real woman stung, it did also make me question why I choose to not delve into Hollywood romances. And I realized I don't like them because I WOULD like them. I would watch or read them all the time. I would get hooked. I would start thinking all the time about what I wanted my man to look or act like. I would think about how I wanted to look or act like. And I would end up completely distorting myself, my friendships, my marriage, and my perceptions of what romance is like.

I would set unrealistic expectations on my future husband, on myself, and on my life. And I would think that a love life is the most important part of life. Face it... IT'S NOT! It's a wonderful aspect of life that's supposed to make things a little brighter and a little more beautiful to look at. But your love life is NOT your entire life. Romance movies don't show you that. Romance movies are only about romance, and life is not at all like that.

However, I do like romances in books or movies where it happens during an adventure. When it's part of the story, not the actual story in itself.

Well, this is my first blog post in a couple of months so I'll catch you guys up to speed here. For those of you who have read a lot of my previous blog posts or have known me for a while, you know that I've been going through one hell of a time for the past, oh, year and a half. I held nothing back in my writings on here about the pain being felt, but I did hold back many details just because... well, you know. The internet isn't exactly Vegas.

However, I'm feeling the freedom now to be much more honest about things. There's still some things I'll hold back, but that's merely because it's not time to reveal those things yet. But the things I can reveal, I will.

So my whole struggle was over a man named Joseph.

Specifically, my future husband.

It's a long, crazy, painful, rewarding, amazing story of a long, crazy, painful, rewarding, amazing journey. One day I'll have to write out the whole story and have been in a slow process of doing so for the past couple of months. One day it might even be on here. But I didn't come here today to write out all the details, just the nutshell of it all.

It's quite simple. Boy meets girl. Girl thinks boy is too nice and pays no attention to him. Boy continues to be nice. Girl suddenly realizes boy is hot. Girl likes boy. Boy eventually likes girl. Boy and girl ask God if they're supposed to be together. Girl hears an almost immediate "yes". Boy hears "no". Girl furrows her forehead and asks God again. Girl hears "yes". Boy furrows his forehead and asks God again. Boy hears "no". Girl gets furious at God for continuing to tell her "yes" numerous times, without telling boy. Boy attempts to move on from girl numerous times. Girl feels deep pain. Boy feels deep pain.

And this went on and on and on... for about a year.

It is indeed true that sometimes romance doesn't look so romantic, and that sometimes love doesn't look so loving.

Again, it's a long and painful story that I won't delve into now. But the nutshell in that nutshell was that God waited until both of us gave up any prospect of marriage. It took a very long time before we were able to give that up, but God is clever. He waited us out. He waited me out, anyways. I KNEW that I KNEW that I KNEW Joseph was my husband and I stubbornly clung to it for the longest time. After months of frustrations, feeling beaten down, and even feeling a sense of betrayal, I was finally driven to the point of despair and desperation and complete surrender to God. I promised God and myself that if God wasn't going to take Joseph out of my life, then I would. Literally the very next day, God very nonchalantly mentioned to Joseph "By the way, Ashley is your wife." Joseph immediately asked me if we could talk, I went to this talk with the intentions of taking him out of my life, and then God moved and spoke and boy and girl finally ended up with the same "yes" from God.

Even after that, we had to wait another two months to begin dating because I was still in the middle of Living Waters and couldn't start a relationship. That damned class. That damned, glorious class. I needed it so badly. Well, I still do, but if God feels I'm healed enough to be with Joseph then I certainly won't be one to argue His judgment. For once.

Where am I going with this? Honestly, I don't know. I guess I'm just brooding right now.

Today, Joseph and I have been together for two months, and it has honestly been amazing. It's been challenging and often uncomfortable, but it's been so much more amazing than anything I could've ever imagined. I am so looking forward to many more months with him. And I'm not here to brag about finally having a guy or even the fact that I got the guy I'd been wanting for a long time. That's not the point. That implies that I did something or that I even deserve him. I didn't do anything. I don't deserve him. God is the only one who did something (actually, He did everything) and He's the only one I fully trust to give me something/someone, knowing it's for the best possible reasons.

I guess what I'm saying is, God is so generous. He's so loving. He knows exactly how to align a heart with His, and the moment a heart is aligned with His. It's so hard to give parts of your life over to Him, but it's always so worth it that I end up thinking "Why did I doubt Him again?" I think it's the fact that God loves to make people uncomfortable. Or He just really enjoys the expressions on our faces when He does something we don't expect. He just likes to make things work in the weirdest way possible, just to prove that He is out of the ordinary and that we need to constantly be in awe of what He's doing.

Because, good God, we need the reminder.

I'm still not sure why I'm writing and rambling on at this point, guys. I really don't. I'm just such in awe of how God has been moving in my life lately that I just feel the need to share. It's seriously the most incredible feeling in the world when you finally realize just how much God has been moving in your life without you knowing it. Or how He uses the most painful of things to bring you the most bountiful joy. He is indeed much more interested in our holiness than our current happiness. Yeah, He wants us to be happy, but most of all He wants us to have the pure joy that comes from Himself and living the way He asks us to live. And I believe it's never as easy as people like to make them out to be. A lot of people will tell you the wonderful parts of their relationship because they feel it's the most romantic. I refuse to be one of them. As great as the great moments are, Joseph's painful moments are truly romantic to me, and my painful moments are what turned out to be romantic to him... or at least the most meaningful.

I used to think marriage was all romance, that everything was easy and would come naturally, and that people never had hard times before the actual marriage. Yeah right. Now I believe what you do before the marriage is one of the most important elements to your lives together after the wedding day. I believe the most important thing you could ever do is to love someone so gut-wrenchingly much that you give them the freedom to be themselves, and to have the freedom to love someone else if that's who God gives them pure joy with.

That's what gives someone the freedom to come back to you and say, "You're the one God has for me."

I feel like an wide-eyed child. Two months into this thing, and I'm still awestruck just at how well God loves me through Joseph. It's absolutely insane. There's a lot of fragments of myself that I forgot were there until God decided to dig them up, using this man. I forgot that I love written letters until Joseph wrote me one. I forgot that I love white roses with red tips from a poem I read years ago, until Joseph hauled a bouquet of those things up my driveway (he didn't know what flowers I like and decided those looked the best). I forgot that I love telling wonderful stories until I got to tell others about Joseph taking me on a scavenger hunt, or buying childhood games for us to play, or winning a toy for my little brother at the Walmart claw machine. And ironically, I forgot that I love writing until Joseph and I made up half a fiction novel via text message, and until he told me he hoped I would always continue to write.

I swear I'm getting closer to God as I get closer to Joseph, that God is courting me through him, that God is winning my heart through Joseph winning my heart. This is the weirdest, most challenging, and most beautiful thing I think I've been a part of. There's no doubt in my mind that God is in this thing. He keeps confirming His presence in it over and over again. And that's the way it should be.

God's such a romantic. And He's such a good Author. Screw Hollywood. God's plans for us are so much better than our dreams for us.

And I wouldn't trade any romantic stories for the one that He's chosen for me.