Saturday, August 27, 2011

The joys of

I loved It's "America's Only Humor Site Since 1958" (God knows if it's true). It's full of hilarious and often disgusting articles and lists and facts. There's a lot of inappropriate jokes and enough swearing to make things interesting. This in itself isn't exactly what attracts me to the website (although admittedly it keeps your attention). What I love about this website is that it's full of facts. Real facts. Like, you can actually learn a lot from this website. They talk about things that you would never think of, but once you read it you start thinking "Dude, this is SO TRUE! Why has no one mentioned it before?"

For example, some articles I've recently read: The 5 Stupidest Ways Movies Deal With Foreign Languages...  The 5 Creepiest Ways Animals Have Mastered Mind Control (I don't usually wince while reading, but boy, did I wince)... 6 Images of Kids Too Insane To Be Real (That Totally Are) (I LOVED that one)... 5 Questions You Need To Ask (To Avoid Ruining Your Life)... 6 Beloved Characters That Had Undiagnosed Mental Illnesses... so on and so forth. Hilarious, interesting facts that they don't teach you in school. What makes it funnier to me is that some of what they write is so crazy that I often wonder if it's all lies they made up to see how many people believe them. Yet they say these crazy things with so much confidence that it makes you hesitate.

So today I was on I don't get on everyday, probably about several times a week when I, you know, actually have internet access and actually remember the website is there in the first place. Today just happened to be one of the days of the week when I remembered the website was there while having internet access. So I'm on there, reading any article that strikes my fancy. An article called 8 Tiny Things That Stopped Suicides caught my eye, and I clicked on it.

I loved loved loved the article. And the funny thing is, I'm usually not an emotional person when it comes to reading. I mean, I laugh out loud a lot when reading Cracked articles or quotes or illegally downloaded books (only joking) or something I find amusing, but by "emotional" I mean that things I read don't usually piss me off, bring tears to my eyes, or put heaviness in my soul. That's just how I am. Only a few books have profoundly affected me, and this article is now part of that small list. By the time I'd finished reading it, I was wondering "What is this salty discharge?" before realizing that I was on the verge of tears.

I've already posted it on Facebook, but it affected me so much that I just had to blog about it as well.Who knew that "America's only humor site" could actually be... sentimental?

And... well, I'll just copy the link in here and let you read it for yourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, amazing!! Just read the article. Love #8 and #2 how ordinary people like a waitress, an Australian guy lives by a cliff, or a Japanese man can impact other lives! Great job posting, sweetheart! :)
